BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

04 January 2021

Haven't Written A Poem To You Since Forever. Je' Me' Souviens. I Post This Here Hoping One Day You Read This Poem.

 Je' Me' Souviens:

I myself remember: Our first conversation messaging on messenger. And how my sending you a picture of the Tallgrass Prairie bison a day later inspired you to inquire about going there with me. And we visited there on day six of our first in person introduction one to the other. My mind was captured then way before we arrived via dirt road in Kansas. And the church. And the cow with those black and white patterns. And your laughter. And your smile. And your dimples. And your zest for life. And inviting me back for a thirteen and a half hour first date. And your beauty captured my heart. My Love.

Je' me' souviens: Your buoyant spirit. And your sharing your thoughts and feelings and experiences and your family, and joys, sorrows, highlights, and your conquering so many various aspects of your life. You are an amazing woman. And sharing grits and eggs on our first date. You are an amazing cook whose cooking I honestly enjoy. You are an amazing spirit whom I love. And how kindly you speak to people. And how patient you are with your patients, and friends, and to me. And our New Year's Eve. My Love. 

I myself remember: Cooking in the kitchen together. Flipping your mattress for you. And watching movies and watching the White Christmas singalong at the drive-in. And have I mentioned lately how beautiful you are and how your determination to be the best you can be is so sexy. I love you. I pray for you. I hope for you. I dreamed of you from our first week of knowing each other. You voice i hear with fond love filling my soul and our connection. Feeling more than feelings. My time with you more than I could have dreamed possible. Thank you for being and treating and speaking and touching me and teaching me how to love you. My Love.

Je' Me' Souveins: And time will tell and show us what we have and if it is enough for forever however long forever shall be for us My Love. There is so much I could write of our time together however that is best spent sharing together alone together. My Love.


Not my best because I am distracted by not knowing the future.

And that's a sober man's dream woman.

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