BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

28 July 2021

Relearning My Thinking. Written Before I sent In My Second Round Of Questions. Quandary, Oh Quandary.

What is it that I need more to do I am trying.  Looking for employment is consuming. Apply apply applying myself to job after employment after career is exhausting especially when there are  continuously dry holes, not many calls for interviews and no employment. Except ridesharing for money, whoring my vehicle daily until it hits old age for rideshare and mandatory permanent bench-time for my 17 year old vehicle. Time is running out for me to earn money ridesharing and thereby my ability to earn money this way again.  
So I applied for a job at the same place as where My Lady applied, and for the same job not realizing there was/is only one position available. And so once realizing that only one position was open I sent my answers in for their second round of answers the place requested me to answer. Sent in my answers only half complete in order to be withdrawn from the competition by the prospective employer.  I didn't want to compete with My Lady, I only wanted to try and earn a job where she is already so able and qualified to earn and retain. I want to remain in her life and not compete with her rather to compliment her. 
Looking at 360° of views and really trying to see everything 
Trying only to listen to God's answers and not formulating nor composing answers on my own. Listening has been and is difficult for me sometimes. And for this I am truly attempting to listen to what God has to say. 
Do I stay put and not answer what may be an opportunity for us both? I am continuing to answer the place's detailed nine questions because the academic thought required to compose the answers is something I have desired for many years since my graduation from university in 2015. So I write and compose for a job I will probably not be applying for, to set and achieve a deadline and critically think about my life. 
Praying for God's direction on what how to proceed once I have composed my answers. Is this all an academic exercise, or is it too an application which could propel myself into a position and place where My Lady might be employed too at maybe a better position as the position I am composing answers for.
God help me listen and answer this quandary soon. 

God please keep our relationship geographically together and growing stronger together than either of us has ever know. Oh Lord, please hear my prayers.

Please read post from previous to this for better clarity, hopefully.

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