BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

29 June 2016

Chocolate Often Aids During ETOH Withdrawal.

You just have to believe that you are better off sober than you were drunk.  You have the power to break free and take control of your life again.  I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I knew freedom existed beyond what I could not have while a practicing alcoholic.  I finally really and for sure desired freedom and its new path and better future.

I am scared that I will forget the pains I knew while drinking, the further I remain sober.  There is a scar on my bicep of a burn from when I burned myself just a few weeks before I became a sober alcoholic.  Didn't even realize I'd burned myself until the next morning when I saw the seared flesh and suddenly remembered falling backwards when pulling the pan of baked chicken from the 425° oven and the pan hitting and searing me.  Sometimes when I want or need the memories returned, I'll lift my sleeve, look and remember, and then proudly thank God Almighty that I am living another day sober.

Chocolate.  The darker the chocolate the better.  Chocolate reduces the effects of withdrawal from alcohol.  Takes the edge off so to speak.  Really helps.  I found this out after I quit unfortunately.  Tulsa County Jail uses this for inmates having withdrawal because they have found it works.  A sobriety clinic in Taos New Mexico uses chocolate for this effect also.  If'n it's good enough for Inca royalty, then it's sure enough good for sobering alcoholics.
I'll research and write more about other foods which can/may help lesson the effects of of quitting alcohol.

I bid you peace and success each and every minute and hour and day always.

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