BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

06 June 2016

Twenty-Two Months

Twenty-Two months today.
Attended a Celebrate meeting last night.  Why do people sometimes look shocked when told that I hit the bottom and climbed out from that darkness in hell myself with Jesus's assistance alone and without attending AA or Celebrate first also?  All I know is when I was ready to be honest with myself about myself I began the climb out from the hell of practicing alcoholism and into sobriety.  Now it's just maintenance.

There'll be no candles and celebration at work today; however, I am glowing inside.  Most of my co-workers are unawares about all this.  Wouldn't it be nice if life included support systems everywhere to celebrate more than we allow ourselves to celebrate now?

So today instead of walking about work hiding my practicing alcoholism as I once did; I'll be walking around hiding that I am twenty-two month's sober.  Isn't it ironic..."Like a free ride, when your already there..."

Living with myself, glorious to be living a life of sobriety.  Happy twenty-two months and many more for me.

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