BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

05 August 2016

Looking On The Bright Side Of Life. Thank You Mom.

I have always tried to look on the bright side of things.  That's how I further convinced myself that I was not a practicing alcoholic for all those years.

Looking on the bright side of things now is even better as there is No fog from intoxication interfering my vision.  Looking on the bright side now helps me look past the sorrows I have and have caused when I was a practicing alcoholic, helping me make the corrects which are possible. Looking on the bright side helps me remain soberly victorious.  Oh sure there are bumps in the roadway along the way, however these are not a magnitude 9 interference anymore.  I have learned and continue learning how to successfully hurdle the challenges of life now with sobriety.

Mom always looked from and projected an aura of positivity by exampling the brighter side of life.  Only those of us very close to her learned of her rare projections of non-positivity during mom's last twenty-five years of life through three successful cancer victories and into her four battle which she lost to cancer.  3:1 victories against cancer is a pretty awesome scorecard for most everything else in life.  With cancer a loss is well deadly.  Mom lost with grace and always maintaining a positive attitude though to the point where she could not respond but was still responsive.  I learned lots about looking on the bright side of life.  Bummer that I cannot share with her my sobriety except to her in heaven.  I am so grateful that mom taught me so ardently though example how to always through everything look on the bright side of life.

Mom I thank you for helping me continue and learn about looking from the brighter side of life.

My mom is dead and I can not share with her, my victories of sobriety;
so I will share with you.
Always no matter what nor through what, look on the bright side of life.

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