BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

15 October 2016


Blessed everyday, feeling stronger everyday, and still amazed everyday. Amazed at the continued blessings of my sobriety. Amazed how others struggle with their addiction. Why are the odds so poor for conquering sobriety? Why is changing how the brain thinks about life and maintenance of sobriety so difficult for over 70% of the addicted? My wish is discovery of how to instill dedication and exclusivity living sober. How has what I've done and how I maintain sobriety been successful while many of those I know who have tried living sober, then fail in their attempts of successfully living life free from their addictions.
Being constantly vigilant on my road of sobriety includes reminding myself I am always capable of failing my life of sobriety, keeps me constantly living my life praising God constantly that I am sober but by His Grace.
I may be free, thank God Almighty, I am free and sober;
I am sad that others who know they need their freedom,
Languish in their slavery of intoxication.
I thank God Almighty, I am free and sober,
Always praying that others will follow.

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