BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

16 July 2016

Second Place Is First Loser.

Part One: In The First Place.
My dear old dad became a body builder in his early sixties and took on believing the phrase which I used for the title of this post.
Drastic phraseology for almost everything.  The phraseology works quite well regarding quitting, stopping, sobering up, becoming a sober alcoholic.  Anything other than first place in the thinking of winning and staying sober comes down to being, seeing, feeling, knowing that, "Second Place And Drinking IS First Boozer Loser."  This thinking is soft at best in the quest for sobriety.  Good, better, best. Never rest till good is better and better is sober's best.  Second place is intoxicated in this case at best; and a loser in sobriety.

Part Two: In The Second Place; Aids towards accomplishment in life, sobriety,
1. Socialize.
2. Celebrate life everyway every minute.
3. Keep busy and occupied fully daily.
4. Keep positive thought always going.
5. Retrain your brain to think positively.

Most Importantly...Aids towards sleeping.........
6. Never look at a clock once in bed even if you awaken in the night.  It just doesn't matter what time it is.  The time really doesn't matter.  You still have that much time to sleep after being asleep for that long.  If you think about the time you are not thinking about sleep.
7. Cease cell phone, tablet, computer, etc., usage thirty minutes to one hour before bedtime.  The lights from those devices no matter how dim still active deep within the brain.
8. Put your problems on an imaginary shelf before you go to bed.  You don't need to carry them with you to sleep.  They'll still be there in the morning.
9. No other thinking in bed besides peaceful meditation of your choice.  It's bedtime so leave the day for tomorrow.
10. Celebrate your life, retrain your brain, and love yourself to sleep.  Like totally.

First Place Is The Winner Owning Sobriety.

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