BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

31 July 2016

Building Home From Hoarderdom.

I accumulated troves of reasons justifying strangely enough my intoxication. I am delighted to be throwing down the bonds from hoarding boxes of reasons of fears and what has been lost for sanity and order in my home as I have in my sobriety Thank God. Hoardership is as rough a go as is alcoholism.  Baggage to carry around.  

I was accepted to be on the television show about hoarders.  However even with the pictures I sent to them of my box filled home, the fact of both of my parents dying from cancer, my car being hit and totaled by a pill-stoned woman, current college debt, fulltime college student status, two aunts dying, four friends dying from cancer, and my attaining sobriety just nine months before contacting them; Hoarders would not put me on their show because I did not have enough conflict in my life.  My child did not want to participate in the show.  My landlord was not evicting me.  I did not want my ex-wife involved.  "Hoarders" told me I did not have enough conflict even though my home looked like a packed U-Haul storage room with pathways to walk with only two places to sit and my bed. Never mind that I had set aside the emotions attached and assigned by me which had only extrinsic value alone in reality, yet for me carried fulfilled and unfulfilled memories.

And so three weeks before my birthday, I began the process of shaping the place I live in into my home.  The neat and clean home I unfortunately did not provide for my child I now needed to shape for myself from the rubble created by my alcoholism into a home for living life.  The process of sorting, throwing, saving, and probably not saving strategies were immense especially for me a hoarder.  A dear friend of mine sat at my table and surfed the internet as moral support while I clean.  Two days before my birthday I had to kick into pack it away in the spare bedroom mode because I needed 7/8th's of my apartment clean for my birthday party.

My first party in my home since my birthday party fifteen years ago.  I was in heaven that people could enter into my home without me being embarrassed or ashamed.  Proud.  I was proud enough to announce my conquering not only my alcoholism, but also the concluding end of my hoarding.  My child did not want to attend, did not acknowledge my birthday other than to text we could maybe have coffee in the weeks to come.

That spare bedroom and those two closets will be completed being cleaned and built into order sometime in the weeks of August after my second anniversary of sobriety 6 August 2016.

Thank God Almighty I Am Sober.  
I Am Sober At Last.  
And My Home's Almost There Too.

Remember you never know just what
those you meet might be dealing with.

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