So coming into my twenty-fourth month of sobriety feels good. I am confident, although not cocky about remaining sober. As with any foundation laid in life, a solid foundation is best, yet still requires maintenance.
We humans learn behaviours which can be beneficial, and to which can also prove harmful. It is in the unlearning of these/this behaviour through which alone the solution can become part of the problem as well. Circumventing this in part, can in part provide another resource in maintaining continuance of whatever positive behaviour modification has been transformed. Providing support of the behaviour transformation should remain vital in the health and healing successfully away from this behaviour. The mental cognitive abilities can be changed with several modifications of living circumstance for the individual.
First by diet and I'll leave it up to each individual what to eat. Avoiding caffeine after a certain time before bed would be an awesome beginning. Eating dark red cherries before bedtime and eating dark chocolate periodically throughout the earlier part of the daytime.
Second by new positive habits.
"The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few." This line came to me while I was cutting whole chickens down and praying simultaneously the other day.
Many people give to the food charities, and many people take from the food charities.
The food charities always need volunteers.
1. Volunteering at a food charity will provide positive time spent on the service to others while providing an outlet of a sober environment.
2. Volunteer reading to children at the public library. Spend extra time there researching someplace you've always wanted to travel to and become and expert about that area.
3. Read some of the world's great novels and write a summary of what you learned and what more you can research about. Library use is free, both the public library as well as university libraries.
4. Create a pseudonym like I have, and write a blog about your experiences. If you can help only one other person walk free from the road in the hell of practicing alcoholism, then your blog has served well.
5. Retrain your brain.
Let me say that again, Retrain your brain. The poor thing needs to learn cognitive thought again.
Keep it busy. Let me say that again, Keep your brain busy. Read study learn.
I study about alcoholism and have for over a year. I enjoy reading what others have to say.
Bottom line is still; Retrain Your Brain. It needs to learn how to think clearly again.
Keep your body and mind busy with positive actions; your sobriety will have a better chance.
6. Learn to love yourself again. Learn to love yourself again. Reward yourself for your good behaviour. Learn to love yourself again.
7. Learn to love others again.