Yuppers. It has been awhile since I posted here. Today is my two year, five month sober anniversary Thank God. No stays. Even walked through a liquor isle in a large East Lansing everything store...I was looking for non-alcoholic ginger beer...that's where they keep the stuff. I always trippple check the label to trippple make sure it's non-alcoholic ginger beer.
Sobriety keeps getting easier as I keep getting further away from my last drink of alcohol. I am still the same good person. I am still all the best, without the bull-shoot personality disorder of a practicing alcoholic. Oh my sorrow that my daughter remains withdrawn and non-communicative from me now four and a half month's. I pray for her.
Talk about learning new thinking. Having to deal with sorrow sober certainly does enlighten sobriety's progression of learning new thought processes.
I love learning new things and just as much as it is what it is...it also is an awesome new learning process. She and I are still alive, so there is still time also for mending and building our relationship.
It is what it is.
I am two years and five month's sober today.
That's all that matters.
Sobriety is all that matter's first.
I am enjoying two years and five month's sober today.
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