BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

17 November 2016

Like Awesome Totally. Yuppers. Free:^)

Oh sure every now and again, like maybe every other week or three I'll think some brief thought about alcohol and then it's over. That's what I wanted to share in this post. I just won't ever drink ethanol again. Don't need it. Don't want it. Haven't had to over-ride an urge to purchase alcohol since about my third month sober way on back at the end of 2014. I've reshaped my thinking, and continually codify my desire to never consume an intoxicating beverage again. Life is just too much fun without it; and learning to overcome and conquer any want or need for alcohol has been an awesome liberation. A deep profound lesson in just what I can and may accomplish regardless the perceived difficulties.

There you go. Take care of yourselves. Remain vigilant. Remain sober. T.T.F.N:^)

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