BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

28 May 2016

Beginnings. There are always beginnings.

My child has warned me not to out myself as an alcoholic. Sober that is, never the less, an alcoholic. Shhh I am warned, that I should not inform others of my disease.  Somehow am I still tainted by those choices to have a drink which turned into a decision leading me ultimately to consuming around 600 milliliters in three hours each night before bed, for the last three years of my drinking alcohol.  But I wasn't an alcoholic I told myself.  I did not drive when I had consumed more than the equivalency tests showed I should.  Why I thought to myself, "I am an Honor's Scholar."  See there, "I am not an alcoholic," I reassured myself; and then once home drowned my neurons into an ethanol induced stupor.  Yes being honest with myself sure came with some brutal realizations.  Sure sucked being me for a while.  However, I sucked it up buttercup.  Then again does not everybody at some point in their life think that it sucks?  Meanwhile, most everybody forgets to deep breathe, take a second, then realize soon this will pass into another minute of life.

I want to save more for later so enough about me.  This is just my release that in some small way I may out myself as an alcoholic; and without repercussions from society for being a sober alcoholic and all of its stigmatas; as my child has forewarned me of.

This is my way of SHOUTING out to the world that; I AM SOBER.  THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I AM SOBER AT LAST.  Okay then, well at least coming up to my twenty-second month of sobriety Thanking God each and everyday.  Also remembering to love and forgive myself and others.

The grass is green in this pasture of sobriety I forage.  Peace.

I am sure not all readers will agree with me; It is what it is tho.
Post your thoughtful comments and let's enjoy a peaceable conversation about life, sobriety, and living.  Sit back now, put your feet up, and let's let the conversation begin.

P.S. Please click to share on Google, sign for an email notification, share with others, or leave a comment below by clicking on comments.  Thank you again. Peace.

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