BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

22 March 2024

Eyes Were On The Bottle.

 Eyes Were On The Bottle.

Eyes were on the bottle
And my heart knew what to do
 I was looking away from you Lord 
While my mind still had drinking to do.

All the while I was thinking 
There's something better than this
Something better than the ignorance 
of my complacent mediocrity.

No I just wasn't ready to lift up my eyes and see 
That you have already always been standing right next to me.
 The Holy Trinity's Grace of Divine Loving Embrace.

With your beautiful hand outstretched 
Waiting for my beginning 
Waiting on my heart, mind and soul to become whole again with you.
Ready to be standing with you and to be holding you close to me.
I stood up knowing that I am 
Stronger than ever before.

Strengthened with your armor 
I stand with you now
As never have I ever stood with you before.
Singing praises from the soul of me, 
Of me singing praises as never have ever been heard before 
 The Holy Trinity's Loving Grace of Divine Loving Embrace wrapping its wholeness around me and my soul.

Salvation. I am saved.
Singing praises from the soul of me.
Me singing praises as my ears have never heard before,
 The Holy Trinity's Loving Grace of Divine Loving Embrace, 
Wrapping wholeness around me and my soul.
Oh God,
You are merciful to me.

-Hans Pasco C2022 

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