BEST WAY To Follow The Forage.

06 January 2019


I was asked by my New Mexico friend if I considered sober from alcohol and not from anything else as sober, and I answered yes. I've never been to more than three meetings and those were over a year after my quitting drinking so I have my standard and not clinical standards to follow. Alcohol was killing me quicker and quicker, smoking and dipping were doing so much more slowly. I had to quit drinking or my life would have ended several years ago. My spleen during March and April of 2014 was hurting beyond belief which I just mindlessly attributed to eating poorly. Using a Nurtibullet to make nutritious fruit and vegetable blends saved my life even before I quit drinking. Even before its legalization I held smoking as different; different for me at least.

So today is my four year's and five month's sober which I am and will be forever grateful. There is no going back for me with any of them. I enjoy embracing freedom and my upgrade and turning towards greater growth. So many opportunities at my doorstep and now which way am I going to go?

Learning to be confident in my lowering earning bracket, and praying that I have a relationship in the future with a woman who accepts my heart of love and ability to build a strong relationship, without a large wallet will take time. I will get there and I will get there soberly.

First things first is I need to begin new habits of growing new contacts, you know, socialization. I need more and greater human contact.

Happy sobriety day for me. 

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