Let me first condense what I have to say here and now, then expound with greater detail soon as I am just now decompressing from THE Most Interesting five weeks I've ever had. Soooo here goes my initial rant.
What the heck do my practicing alcoholic friend's think, or rather cannot possibly be thinking. To even be around me when they're or you're drinking is plane old stupid I am telling you what.
My sense of smell has always been very good however, now that I am a sober alcoholic I have an ever better...Like Really darned Great sense of smell.
Sheet you think you can hide that stinking smell of alcohol oozing from your pores? REALLY???
You really are stupid!
I know that smell!
I've stunk that smell from my own pores and now find that smell in particular,
AND for that friend of mine since Ronald Reagan's last term in office...
Fooled me once Sept. 2016 when we came out to Taos when you broke your transverse process of your back. You probably were drinking when you slipped and broke it in the first place.
And Yet still I believed you this past 15 February 2017 when I picked you up in Taos.
Stupid me a second time to believe you were sober. Stupid me.
DID you really think even you could somehow Superman your way through your alcoholic consumption and not stinky smell??? REALLY??? That's stupid. You're stupid!
You are SO lucky I didn't boot your arse out onto the Arizona desert like I promised I would if you drank.
What did I stupidly believe? You THAT'S what. YOU!!!
That stinking smell I will never ever forget on any person.
And you actually fooled me. You smelled okay initially.
Even after you "forgot" your Big Book for us to work on while driving,
I actually believed, hesitantly tho, that you forgot it.
So when I saw you tip your head back three times while standing up facing the toilet in a closed stall; I guess you thought that big hat hid you and that I wasn't still by then suspicious? So while we drove further towards Mesa, AZ, I prayed God what to do with you.
Leave you there on the highway?
Then your 1, 2, 3, 4, etc...breaches of trust.
Believed you again because by this time I was so stressed out trying to retrieve my friend from that crappy hospital he was stuck in, I endured with you.
AND it was going to cost me over $100.00 to get rid of your stinking, drinking, arse.
I struggled as a Christian and as a friend.
That second night when you left at three thirty in the morning and didn't return until five thirty was the IT. Bus ticket time.
You had to GO! I was not and am not going to enable you one single iota more. Sober up.
One of these day's it'd be nice for you to apologize.
But then again first you will have to sober up won't you?
I am beginning Al-anon to further help me understand as a sober alcoholic what ravages I raged also upon others while I was a practicing alcoholic.
I will write more about my own screw up/ups next time.
More soon.
Ima Soberalcoholic
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